
2002-03-15 - 12:53 p.m.

Birds sing, there's not a cloud in the sky, yeah March 15th is a beautiful day.

It's Friday kiddies, which would mean a lot more to me if I wasn't working tomorrow. Nevertheless, I still have that tingle in my nether-regions that Fridays give me. Perhaps that's fueled by the fact that today is payday. Money certainly is enough to stoke my fire.

They say that Money can't buy everything, or it can't buy happiness, or whatever else. To that I say, "Poppycock!"

A crapload of money is pretty much the only thing that would make me happier right now. I could clear up my debts, I could roll this job up and smoke it, I could go back to school, I could get a vehicle, better place to live, new stereo, rubber inflatable French maid (to clean my room).

Those pillow embroidiering philosophers that say stupid things like the "money-can't-buy-you-whatever" phrases are big fat liars.

If the pillow said, "Money isn't the ONLY thing that can buy happiness (or whatever)" then maybe I'd buy it. Nah, I hate embroidered pillows.

Maybe it's me, I did spend my formative years in the 80's. Reaganomics at the elementary level will turn anyone into a fiscal cynic.

I don't feel like said fiscal cynicism is doing me any harm though. There's no dollar sign where my soul should be. I'm a realist, kids. Money makes the world go 'round. Acknowledgement of that fact doesn't make me empty.

So, I've got my paycheck. I've got options. There are decisions to be made and I'm getting a chub just thinking about it.

Happy payday!