Good to be good

2002-04-17 - 12:44 p.m.

Doing the right thing blows goats.

The right thing is almost never the easy thing, is it? Whether it be paying taxes, paying debts, forgiving trespasses, not getting pissed off about petty shit, keeping your genitals to yourself, being punctual, being honest, making small sacrifices for the greater good, et cetera, being good sucks.

If you're an average person, you know exactly what I'm talking about.

Man's greatest weakness? Our ability to rationalize. Instant rationalization is our ticket to instant gratification.

Instant gratification is generally frowned upon by the social mores of our culture, yet the average person (the building block of said culture) succumbs to the mind's ability to rationalize quickly to benefit the individual.

Since the overwhelming majority of our population thumbs their nose in the direction of socially prescribed "right things," I propose we scrap all that crap and make the new system of good and proper more like the system of easy and fun.

Screw taxes. Forget debts. Hate on your neighbor until you have a chance to punch them in the face. Tantrums are fun and therapeutic. If it moves, have sex with it. Get there when you get there. Truth is overrated. Survival of the fittest. Cleanliness can stay next to Godliness and both can go fuck themselves.

Yeah, and I would've gotten away with it too if it weren't for those meddling kids and that pesky guilt.

Although, I guess we should be thankful that doing the right thing is such an uphill battle. The few times that we actually do reach that goal, it does feel good. Feels good to be good.

I should write fortune cookies.