Dug Want Book

2002-07-09 - 9:17 a.m.

It's been a week since last I wrote, my sincerest apologies for subjecting you to that last posting for such a long time. Speaking of long time, remember back when Stoo would update his diary?

My job has gotten so unfulfilling lately. Every day I'm basically done around 11am. That leaves me to entertain myself online for 5 hours. I'm up on current events, I know all about the new Harry Potter movie (November 15th), I printed out the 2002 NFL schedule for no apparent reason, I read diaries, I check e-mail (though now that my girlfriend lives with me instead of 3000 miles away, I don't get many messages anymore).

Remarkably, (which is not to say "amazingly" but rather just worthy of remark) I found a webpage yesterday that may prove to be worth more than 5 minutes of my attention. It was the home page of Manic D Press, a local publisher of fun things from young people that may be otherwise overlooked by corporate shrivs (damn the man, save the empire). They were peddling a bunch of different books with purty covers, but at the bottom, there was a link for those interested in submitting work. For poops and laughs, I clicked.

And you know what?

I think I'd like to send them stuff. I think when I have moolah again, I'll take a stroll over to City Lights and see if I can't pick up some books from the Manic D. I'll bring the books back to my lair, and take all my clothes off, and burn candles and incense, and submerse myself in this literature. When I'm done, I'll don my loincloth, and paint my face, and prepare some stuff, and write a nice cover letter, and chuck that spear at their door and say "how do you like me now!?" In reality, I probably won't burn incense, but all the rest holds true. Manic D told me in my sleep to send them my things with a SASE and they would read it (as they do, twice a year, January and July - I'm sure I already missed the July cutoff, so I'm shooting for a response early next year).

With any luck, they'll see my heart in that envelope, and they'll be careful not to break it.