Going through the motions

2003-04-21 - 1:35 p.m.

I wanted to post something, but I haven't been able to come up with anything to say. Knowing that, don't bother reading the rest of this.

Politics? Same as they ever were. He said, she said. Pro troops, anti war. Recession, tax cuts. Blah blah blah. 24 hour coverage of the most boring invasion in recent history has numbed me so much, I don't give a shit what the White House does anymore. Just stop interrupting prime-time escapism with breaking stories about nothing. That means no more pre-empting major sports events to announce that there's nothing new to announce. "Saddam's whereabouts unknown, mortality unconfirmed. Film at 11." You get paid for that?

Work? New job, new pay, still bored. The manual labor part of my mailroom position has been replaced by free time now that I'm in accounting. There's a percentage of my day that I can deal with free time before I start wondering why I bothered to come in today. I went over that mark before lunchtime. I wish I could sell these people on the mutual benefits of paying me to not come in some days. I'd still get as much work done in a week, and the firm would save money on the sodas I drink, the electricity for my computer, the water I flush, et cetera.

Home? Its relative stability is what I love most about it, but it makes for boring press. We get our groceries delivered now. We get our DVD's from Netflix, and even our dealer delivers. Lazy or time management genius? The more things I can accomplish in a day without having to put pants on, the better in my book.

Sports? I can't decide if I want the Sacramento Kings to win the NBA playoffs more than I want the LAkers plane to crash. The SF Giants and the Yankees are on top of MLB, and I'm pleased as punch. Now if football season would stop taking forever to start...(come September I'll probably be wishing it was still April, but you know how fickle boys can be).

Music? I don't know what the hell took me this long to get into Ray Charles. Good stuff. They Might Be Giants are doing a 3 day stint at the Great American Music Hall next week and I'll be there for at least some of it. Interesting thing about that: The first day of the shows, their opening act is a They Might Be Giants cover band. Once my brain figures that one out, I'm going to solve cold fusion.

Cold Fusion? I'm still sorting out why the hell a band would have one of their cover bands open for them.

So, like I said in the beginning, I don't really have much to say. Things are good, or at least, good enough. Happy Monday!