Still bullshit runs deep

2002-03-12 - 3:15 p.m.

I'm racking my brain for something profound to say to you people. I'm coming up with nothing though.

Was I deeper when I was younger, or was that just my naivete fooling me into thinking my thoughts were deep?

Perhaps the teen years are filled with wonder as you try to sculpt who you are, whereas cynicism in your post teen years prevents you from wondering stupid shit.

Which is not to say this blathering isn't "wondering stupid shit."

So are my adultesque responsibilities keeping me from philosophical wonder? Do bills extinguish the flame of metaphysical question?

Most idle thought now is more of the daydreaming type. Winning the lotto, taking vacation, touching boobies et cetera.

I wish I could do it for you folks. I wish I could squeeze out the most mind blowing shit you've ever heard.

All I have for you now is a cup of hot chocolate. I'll trade you my cocoa for a metaphor.