Purty Teef

2002-04-04 - 9:00 a.m.

I'm going to the dentist today and I'm a tad bit nervous.

I'm not afraid of them poking or scraping. I'm not afraid of what they're going to say about my wisdom teeth. I'm not even that afraid they might find a cavity.

What has the hair on my back stand up (figuratively, like a dog, my back hair hasn't gotten to that point...yet) is the cost.

I don't have a lot of loot, but I need to go to the dentist, get a referral, go to the surgeon, donate what's left of my wisdom teeth to science, go to an orthodontist, and donate what's left of my life savings to purty teef.

So that's what I'm not looking forward to. The long, expensive ordeal (incomplete sentence, no verb, should've used a colon but it's hammered in a ditch somewhere).

Now that I think about it more, maybe I'm a little nervous about the poking and scraping too.