Tangents Run Rampant

2002-06-20 - 1:55 p.m.

Humdrum Thursday. I'm a bit tired; haven't been going to bed when I should the past couple of days. There are movies to be watched and video games to be played.

I bought new glasses on Monday. They're supposed to be done by Friday, but maybe sooner. I wish the phone would ring right now and they'd tell me the glasses are all ready, I hate waiting. Stoo says that patience is a virtue, but Stoo was also hovering around the mailroom awaiting a UPS package of records. Confucius says, "It's easier to talk like a fortune cookie than it is to live like one."

One week from now the eagle will land. The lovely Ms. Jessie is coming, and I'm anticipating kisses galore. I have felt like I left a part of me back in NY when I moved here, and I'm thrilled to the gills that I am going to have that part back soon.

All week in the headphones, Eminem has been updating me on his socio-political views. He gets shit from the squares for using poo-poo language and being a whitey doing blacky music, but those squares have never actually listened to his songs. He talks about his swearing and his bad attitude, he explains it all for you. He tells you he's pissed off that our government of greedy geriatrics is doing everything it can to fuck the common man. He tells you to watch where you put your dick, keep a level head and don't throw your life away out of anger. Honestly, he does a better job of rearing the kids of this country than the politicians who blame pot smoking kids for terrorism, or the priests who fondle hundreds of little boys, or the ineffectual parents who let their kids try stunts they saw on last week's episode of Jackass.

As for the whitey doing blacky music thing: Music is music you fucking racist.

You know, I was a happier person before I started reading Time magazine and watching the news.

Anyway, it's probably time I motivate and get some work done around here. Thanks.