Phoney & Balogna

2002-07-19 - 3:16 p.m.

'sbeen a couple of days, apologies.

Apparently last week's low-speed cruise control through work was just the calm before the storm. Work's been fairly hectic all week and I'm developing a deep loathing for certain trial lawyers.

In other gnus, I have caved in and made the evolutionary leap to cell phonedom. On the one hand, it's a neat and useful device. On the other, it's another medium for me to constantly check to see if I missed anyone's attempts to love me (now that we are prohibited from having MSN Messenger on our pc's at work, I check e-mail 50 times daily).

Other crap: Halfway through Potter 4. Got a haircut. Need to lose weight, as the gf has taken up noting my tubbiness. Miss Stoo. Denied for the millionth time the luxury of opening a bank account due to some obscure monetary mismanagement in the last millennium. My new favorite way of updating desktop wallpapers is to use political cartoons.

In light of nothing more to say to you, I bid you adieu.