
2002-07-26 - 2:37 p.m.

It's about damned time Friday came around.

Last night: Free drinks courtesy of the firm. A nice attorney (oxymoron?) lady is leaving today for a global adventure with soon to be hubby via sailboat. Damn the financially comfortable.

This morning: My hangover was disagreeing with my alarm clock.

This mid-morning: Time has been getting exponentially slower as the week goes by and I'm going to snap if it stops completely before quitting time.

Completely unrelated: I used to say that my life would improve just shy of infinitely if I could somehow get my hands on ten thousand dollars money. This was 6 years ago or so, when debt and credit and bills and grown-up type people expenses invaded my life. Even though time has passed, and I'm in a different position economically, and I have completely different expenses and whatnot, it seems to me that the magical number of ten thousand still holds true.

With that sum I could: Easily clear my credit. Afford a Cali State edumication. Buy new socks and underthings. Invest in our weakened market and profit big time when it bounces back after Bush leaves office. Get my wisdom teef extracted. Fix up the Gimp (the car that a nice secretary at work gave me), at least a little.

I'd probably even have enough left over for a gallon of mint chocolate chip ice cream, which is commonly regarded as the tastiest treat there is for men who watch girly movies when no one is around.

So, there you have it. This entry sucked, was terribly random, and used way too many colons (:) in it. Perhaps I shouldn't write on sunny Fridays.